May 28, 2016

Cherry Limeade

This cherry limeade is so simple but so perfect for summer!  I made a double batch for my s'mores and champagne social and it was a hit.  I kept it non-alcoholic so that everyone could enjoy a glass but added a splash (or three) of champagne to my glass which made it even better.  I'm sure it would also be delicious with vodka ;)
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Cherry Limeade 
Makes one pitcher

1 jar maraschino cherries 
1 tube frozen limeade
1 two liter of Sprite

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy over crushed ice

May 27, 2016

S'mores and Champagne

Last week, I had the opportunity to host my first coffee for the wives in Rob's squadron.  To clarify (since I did not know this!), in military terms "coffee" is synonymous with "social" --- most of the time, there is not actually any coffee served!  It is simply a monthly social held in part to go over business for that month and in part to get together and socialize! 

s'mores bar
habersham sc
I attended my first coffee back in February at Low Country produce and volunteered to host the May coffee.  Because the weather is gorgeous and so is our neighborhood, I knew I wanted to plan something outdoors.  S'mores and champagne on the river?  Yes and yes!  
smores bar social
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habersham south carolina
Bug spray and wet wipes for sticky fingers = necessities
cherry limeade recipe
I kept things simple - a s'mores bar, champagne, and a big pitcher of cherry limeade.  It was low key and a great way to just spend time chatting over sweets.  One of the British wives had her very first s'more EVER and when her husband came to pick her up, he had to try his first as well!  
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Fellow military wives -- what are some of your favorite "coffees" you have attended?!

May 26, 2016

April Adventures

Is it just me or did April/May fly by?!?  I feel like I was just getting ready for spring and now it is already almost Memorial Day weekend!  Last night I started writing my Beaufort summer bucket list because I know summer will fly by and I want to really be intentional with our time.  But first, let's catch up on some things that kept us busy this past month.
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We traveled to Virginia for a bittersweet combo trip.  First, we headed home to Stafford for Rob's grandmothers funeral.  Although bittersweet, it was nice to be able to spend time with so many people from our families in one trip.  We also got to sleep at my house and eat our favorites (Capital Ale House, Foode, Carl's) one last time before my parents move from Stafford for good.
carls ice cream fredericksburg va
That weekend, my mom drove us down to Richmond to celebrate my friend Annas wedding!  We got down just in time to meet everyone at The Tobacco Company for welcome cocktails.  The wedding was held, and we stayed at, The Quirk Hotel downtown which was so chic and adorable.  Between all of the pink and the fiddle leaf fig trees in the lobby, I was in heaven.  We drank champagne and danced the night away with our closest friends from college!
coffee bar the quirk hotel rva
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wedding at the quirk hotel in richmond va
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Back in Beaufort, we have been keeping busy living the vacation lifestyle.  Rob's schedule is currently super light (and as I say all the time, I know this won't last!) so we have been pretending to be on vacation.  Our typical days are filled with trips to Hilton Head Island and Savannah, lounging on the beach or by the pool, golfing (for Rob) , Pure Barre (for me), and grilling out.  Needless to say, I am not complaining a bit!
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We attended Taste of Beaufort downtown and love any excuse for a cold drink and live music on the water.  Our friends Bethany and Greg hosted a table at a local trivia fundraiser and invited Rob and I to attend.  Our table's theme was Top Gun and I think we made a pretty good Maverick and Charlie ;)
top gun couples costume
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top gun costume
Now that summer is officially here (although it has felt like summer in South Carolina for weeks!), I am so excited to soak it up!

May 5, 2016

Asheville, NC

It's no secret that I love traveling.  I love weekend getaways and love exploring all of the awesome places the Marine Corps takes us.  I would take a trip over a gift any day so of course I was so excited when Rob told me he was taking me to Asheville for the weekend to celebrate my birthday.  Rob visited Asheville on a cross country flight from Meridian last year and I was so envious!
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Asheville is a little over four hours from Beaufort so we hopped in the car when Rob got off of work on Friday and started the drive.  Temperatures were in the 80s all week in Beaufort so I packed for similar weather without checking the forecast.  Bad idea!  We ended up in tank tops and shorts in the mountains of Asheville with chilly temperatures barely in the 50s - eek!  Besides being ill prepared for the weather, our visit was wonderful.
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Our first stop on Friday was the brand new Asheville Bold Rock cidery.  We are huge fans of this Virginia born hard cider and it has been so much fun to watch their brand explode!  While the Asheville location does not have quite as much charm as the new Charlottesville one, it is on a huge piece of land and has lots of potential.  Plus their cider makes the trip worthwhile every time, no matter the location!
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After a quick cider flight and a stretch of our legs, we finished the drive downtown and grabbed a round of kombucha cocktails and an order of vegan chips and queso at Rosetta's Kitchen.  When in Rome, right?!  A vegan appetizer was about as much as I could ask of Rob so afterwards we headed to White Duck Taco Shop for dinner.  We taste tested a bunch of tacos and the thai peanut chicken and the lamb gyro came out as the favorites.
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We slept in on Saturday before walking down the street to one of the coolest coffee shops.  Double D's is located inside of a real double decker bus!  We grabbed a couple lavender mochas and headed upstairs to enjoy it in this most adorable, cozy upper deck.  Double D's does have breakfast pastries but in the spirit of eating as many places as possible in 48 hours, we headed to Biscuit Head for breakfast.
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I'll admit that I was stubborn about not wanting to eat places Rob had already eaten the last time he was in Asheville, but thank goodness he told me this one was a non-negotiable.  Their "cathead" biscuits are truly the size of a cat's head and that Mimosa Fried Chicken biscuit topped with sweet potato butter, sriracha slaw and a poached egg was just as delicious as it sounds.  I have to admit though, I would stand in the line (and yes, there is always a line!) just for the biscuit donuts with lemon curd.  They were unreal!
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After stuffing ourselves full of southern biscuits, we headed to The Biltmore.  Springtime at The Biltmore is amazing so we spent some time touring the gorgeous gardens before touring the actual home.  I always forget how flat Beaufort is until I spend time somewhere else looking at those gorgeous mountain peaks!
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Once we finished touring the Biltmore home, we headed over to the winery on property.  Wine tasting is included with your admission to the home so of course that had our name all over it.  The man suggested trying 6-8 wines however he underestimated us because we tried all 23 wines ;)  We left craving italian food (which may or may not have been a side effect of the wine!) and grabbed dinner at Modesto (good, not great.  not a must try by any means) before calling it an early night.

Sunday came too quickly and before I could even blink, we were grabbing donuts and kombucha from Vortex Donuts and heading back home.

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