August 23, 2013

It's Friday, I'm in LOVE!

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1. Carry On, Warrior // After Mary and Ashley both recommended reading this book, I couldn't even wait for our tiny library to get a copy, I had to buy it immediately.  And I know this is a huge statement but I think this book may have been one of my favorite books of all time.  Honestly, one minute I would be sobbing crying.  The next, I was cracking up so hard I had to read the whole thing out loud to Rob just so he could laugh too! (Even Rob thinks this book is hilarious and we tell our favorite Tish stories at dinner like we actually know her)  I am not a recovering alcoholic and I've never been bulimic but something about this book, no matter what stage of life you are in, just speaks to people.  It's real and it's honest and I cannot recommend it more!

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2. Bacon Torani Syrup // Is this real life?  Has anyone tried this??  I came across it at World Market and was intrigued!  While my first thought was "ew", the more I thought about it, the more potential it had.  I found these recipes for a Morning MartiniComplete Breakfast Latte and Bacon Milkshake and I might need to give this a try!

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3. Golfing // Although Rob has officially started flight school, we are still blessed with his very easy schedule (for now, believe me we have heard he has some not fun, long days ahead of him!) so we are soaking up every humid, wonderful Florida minute together.  Which includes me sometimes doing things that Rob loves just because I love him.  Rob is a huge golfer and well, let's just say I'm not headed to the LPGA anytime soon.  But it is fun to get out there and spend sometime quality time with my husband!

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4.Orange Is The New Black //  I know this sounds insane but we have been forcing ourselves to watch the season slowly, even though I could easily have watched every episode in one weekend.  Rob and I both LOVE this show and at the end of every episode I swear we just sit there, mouths hanging open, saying "omg no!".  The show has the best episode endings! We have one episode left and I don't know how I am going to survive until season two comes out.

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5. Erin's Birthday // It's my sister in law Erin's birthday today!!  Thank goodness she will be here in SIX DAYS so we can celebrate!! Happy Birthday Erin! Love you!

Linking up with Five on Friday


  1. Bacon syrup?!? I know that was invented by a man... I guess maybe some artisan cocktails could be made with that but I couldn't ever imagine that in like iced tea or anything!!!

  2. this made me very excited bc your post title is what i tweeted this morning at 7am!! and bacon syrup?! wow.

  3. Bacon syrup? You could probably make some pretty interesting concoctions with that. I'm trying to learn how to golf because my husband loves it, and he's also really good at it. I'm not too athletic to begin with, but I would like to get decent at it!


  4. I started watching Orange is the new Black and I can't get into it for some reason. I was interested to find out that it is a true story, though! Carry on, warrior sounds great. I will have to check it out!

  5. Thanks for the book recommendation, I'm always trying to find a great new book.

    Looking forward to reading more of your blog soon!

    -Amber @

  6. Well hello cute blog! just catching up on some posts and I am so excited to be a new follower! LOVED Carry On Warrior... I have been giving it out to people since I finished it and everyone has loved it! Also, I've heard so much about Orange Is The New Black... I think I just need to bite the bullet and buy a netflix subscription so I can watch! Have a great weekend!

  7. Bacon syrup is so weird! I saw it at world market a month ago and thought it was so gross, but no sooner than I said this I watched this show about all things bacon and it began to make sense. Even a bacon flavored martini.. crazy enough for me to now want to try. If you do try it you have to let me know

  8. I'll definitely be adding Carry On, Warrior to my to-read list, thanks for the recommendation :) And bacon syrup?? I'm intrigued too!

  9. Hmmm bacon flavored syrup..Don't know if I'm going to be trying that anytime soon! My husband would never let me play golf with him! He says a day golfing with women sounds like pure torture! How nice, right?!

  10. Bacon syrup?!?!?! I need this NOW.

  11. that's funny because i just read that book and we just finished watching that series on netflix! i wish there were more episodes!

  12. We just finished Orange is the New Black and I'm sad that there isn't a 2nd season to watch yet. Apparently we have to wait until this winter. Boo!

  13. I don't find many other cool people who are proud to be math nerds so I loved that on your About Me page! Glad I found your blog through THE Collective link-up :) I might have to start that show on Netflix - I keep hearing everyone talk about it!

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