May 28, 2013

Tim's Rivershore

Even though our main priority for the weekend was to get everything packed, we knew we still wanted to be able to spend some time with our friends for our last weekend in Virginia.  I cannot believe that TBS is practically over and we are all about to head our separate ways.  Even more, I can't stop thinking about how just six short months ago I was stressing myself out, wondering if I would meet people I could relate to and make friends that I would want to spend time with.  I had no idea that I would have so many fun memories and make such wonderful friends that are so hard to leave.
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This weekend a big group of our friends went to Tim's Rivershore, which is restaurant/party bar on the river.  We sat right on the water, ate seafood and drank a few too many "blue drinks".  As the sun went down, they lit the bonfire and had a live band.  I'm pretty sure if the guys had been a summer company instead of "Arctic Alpha" we would have spent every single weekend here!
Bonfire + Sand + Umbrella drinks + 90s cover band + Friends = PERFECT.
We closed the place down and I couldn't have imagined a better last weekend.  Thank goodness some of our friends will be moving to FL with us, and some we will just have to stick to snapchats and wait two or three years until our paths cross. 
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Speaking of bonfires, Rob and I also had our first s'mores of the summer this weekend at my parent's cookout.  I guess this means I can officially consider it Summer 2013!
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May 22, 2013

It's feels like I am graduating all over again

Today is my last day of work.  In case you don't know, I have the coolest possible job.  I get to hang out with teenagers all day and well, you know, also teach them some Algebra.  Not cool enough?  How about the fact that I teach at the high school I graduated from AND that my sister currently still attends. I have spent two wonderful years here and am so sad to say goodbye to some of my favorite students. 

Top  Five Favorite Memories
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1. Friday Night Lights
Football at my high school is huge.  Of course I was obsessed with this and only wanted to make it an even bigger deal.  Being in charge of the school spirit club was probably the best thing I ever did.  Designing t-shirts, throwing tailgates, getting businesses on board when the team went to States--I was totally in my element.  North is known for having...rowdy fans and I loved every minute of it.  I was so sad to leave Virginia Tech football when I graduated so transitioning in the insane high school football scene was a necessity.  
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2. High School Romances and Gossip
I was totally caught up in the who's dating who gossip at the school.  Sometimes I would have to remind myself that I was not still in high school and none of this really effected me ha ha I also loved how the kids viewed our marriage as the "fairytale ending" of all high school relationships.  I mean we were homecoming and prom dates senior year and end up together ;)
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3. Mr. Reddy
While Rob was waiting to pick up at TBS, I twisted his arm into he decided to substitute teach at my school.  He even ended up with a long term job as the Earth Science teacher for TWO whole months.  This meant we could drive to work together, eat lunch together, and talk in the hallway between classes.  We were even in the homecoming fashion show together ha ha  This also meant between the two of us, we pretty much knew every single kid in the school and couldn't go anywhere without seeing someone we knew.  Even though we knew it was temporary, these are some of my absolute favorite memories of being newlyweds.  And yes, of course all of the girls had a crush on him ha ha
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4. Conferences (Not parent teacher conferences!)
Okay so this is pretty much the teacher version of saying I love field trips.  But whatever, who doesn't love field trips.  I was lucky enough to take a group of students to the National Reniassance conference last summer in Orlando and it was pretty incredible.  I love seeing and interacting with the kids outside of the strict classroom environment 
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5. "I maybe sorta don't hate math"
I can't even explain the feeling of watching a kid who has never been successful pass their extremely difficult final state test or get an A on their first quiz.  I can't explain how it feels to call a parent who only ever receives negative calls to tell them how wonderful their child and how much they have improved.  There has been lots of laughs and lots tears (mostly happy) and enough proud moments to give me goosebumps.

Thanks North Stafford, for an amazing two years.  Thanks for taking a chance on me as a brand new teachers, for letting me do things my way - from decorating my room in pink and green Lilly Pulitzer to creating a spirit club twitter, and for a zillion wonderful memories.  

May 20, 2013

Wine Tasting

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Wine is kind of our thing.  Virginia wine to be specific.  I truly believe Saturdays are created for long drives through the mountains to sip on buttery Chardonnays and smoky Cabernet Sauvignons while enjoying the incredible views and local live music.
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See, I used to be a Sunset Blush Franzia girl.  I thought that was about as good as wine could get.  But Rob went to school in Charlottesville, which is pretty much the Virginia wine capitol, so we started going tasting and fell in love.  Like head over heels in love.  Drinking wine, learning the history of the grapes, discovering the complexities of the flavors, we became obsessed.  While I still like drinking a bottle of two buck chuck with a straw, I am also kind of a wine snob fanatic.  Two years and 30+ wineries later, I can't imagine leaving one of my favorite parts of Virginia behind.
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Image and video hosting by TinyPicI won't bore you with all the reasons I am convinced the Virginia wine scene trumps all others but I will say if you ever get the chance to check it out, DO IT!  Virginia has over 220 wineries...pack a picnic lunch, choose two or three wineries close to each other to taste at, and enjoy all that Virginia has to offer.  I promise you won't regret it.
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Image and video hosting by TinyPicSince I am terribly indecisive and could never pick a favorite winery, I will give you a couple of my favorites based on specifics:
Best place to party -- Barrel Oak  This place is insane.  It has a gigantic front lawn with fire pits, outdoor bars, music, and food trucks.  People come from all over with full spread picnics to enjoy with their wine.  There are also at least three party busses full of people at any given time.  It is loud, rowdy, and not your typical winery...however if you bring some friends and know what to expect, it is a BLAST!
Best pourers -- Molon Lave  The owner's wonderful daughters were working in the tasting room of this fantastic winery the day we went.  While I loved the greek wines (Have you ever tried the traditional Kokinelli?!?) and the history behind it all, my best memory of the day was definitely these girls.  They were so cool and down to earth and just kept us laughing.  It really felt like drinking wine with good friends and made the experience that much more enjoyable.
Most likely to see a celebrity -- Blenheim This Charlottesville winery is owned by Dave Matthews so who knows when he will stop by and try some of his wines!
Best place to bring a picnic - Veritas Huge patio, giant lawn, picnic tables in the shady woods - Veritas is the perfect picnic venue for everyone. The tasting room is massive and gorgeous but a glass of their "White Star" outside cannot be beat!
Best excuse to day drink - King Family Every Sunday during the summer King Family Vineyard has Polo matches on the property.  You can bring food and buy a bottle or two of their "Crose" for sipping while watching the polo matches.
100 yarder/LGFFA (looks good from far away) -- Morais I was counting down to go here.  I saw the pictures online and absolutely could not wait.  It looked incredible and I just pictured it to be even more amazing in person.  When we finally made the drive out, it could not have been more of a let down.  Sure the winery was gorgeous however they won't let you go in the main building except for events so all we saw was a tiny basement room in the way back next to live animal cages (no joke!)  Plus I was unimpressed by the wines and even more unimpressed by the pourers.  Shame on me for assuming it would be wonderful.
Don't judge a book by its cover -- Rogers Ford Farm The EXACT OPPOSITE of Morais.  From the outside, it looks like your grandmas house.  It's kind of in the middle of no where and the decor both inside and outside are very unassuming.  However from the wines named after the wine makers grandchildren to the adorable and knowledgable neighbors pouring the tastings, everything was simply a pleasure.  Just goes to show you there is much more to wine than a gorgeous venue.  Tip: buy the wine filled chocolates...they are to die for!
Best view - Afton Mountain Located at the top of a steep windy road, the views of the Blue Ridge Mountains from the winery patio are absolutely breathtaking.  Their Pentola d'Oro dessert wine is our favorite sweet, sweet dessert wine.  We have taken the drive out to Afton Mountain at least four times just for the "pot of gold"!
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Wineries we have visited once or ten times:
Afton Mountain
Barrel Oak
Cardinal Point
Delaplane Cellars
First Colony
Flying Fox
King Family
Lake Anna
Mediterranean Cellars
Molon Lave
Pearmund Cellars
Potomac Point
Rogers Ford Farm
Sugar Leaf
Vint Hill
Vintage Ridge 
Winery at Bull Run
White Hall
Albemarle Ciderworks*
Bold Rock*
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Oh Virginia wine, how I am going to miss you!

May 16, 2013

Raspberry Jello Pie

This raspberry jello pie screams summer.  It is so light and airy while still being fruity and flavorful.  I can remember eating this a bunch as a kid at cookouts.  It's also the perfect dessert for a brunch.  With a five minute prep time the night before, this is the ideal grab-and-go homemade treat!
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Raspberry Jello Pie
Adapted from: Kraft
1 Package Raspberry Jello
2/3 Cup Boiling Water
Water and Ice cubes
1 Container Cool Whip
1 Graham Cracker Crust
Fresh Raspberries
Mix jello powder into 2/3 cup of boiling water and stir for two minutes.  Add half a cup of water and three ice cubes and stir until ice is melted and jello is slightly thickened.
Whisk in cool whip and smooth.
Pour mixture into graham cracker crust and refrigerate at least four hours.
Top with fresh raspberries and serve cold.
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Tip: You can make an even lighter version of this pie by using Sugar Free Jello and light cool whip!  Try with other flavors of jello and their fruit!

May 15, 2013

Cheddar Sausage Balls

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Cheddar Sausage Balls
Adapted from: Poore Amy
1 Package Sausage
1 Block Cream Cheese
1 1/4 Cup Bisquick
1/2 Cup Sharp Cheddar Cheese
Pre-heat oven to 400.
Mix all ingredients together with mixer until well mixed.
Roll into balls and place on cooking sheet.
Bake 20-25 minutes.
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May 14, 2013

Fruit Salsa with Cinnamon Pita Chips

I have seen a ton of recipes for fruit salsa popping up all over the place but just kind of threw my recipe together based on the fruit I had on hand.  There are so many variations so feel free to use whatever fruit/jam you have on hand.  The sugar pulls the juices out of fruit and the lemon juice helps the apples from browning.  This fruit salsa is addicting.  It's sweet and fruity and so versatile for the summer.  The cinnamon pita chips can be a little difficult to find but they do sell them -- I did not see them at Wal-mart, Giant, or Shoppers but did find them at Target.  This is an easy recipe to make the night before summer parties or sports picnics and put in the fridge until needed.
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Fruit Salsa
1 Package of Strawberries (medium sized)
3 Kiwi
1 Fuji Apple
1 T Lemon Juice
2 T Strawberry Preserves
2 T Sugar
Chop all fruit into small pieces.  Coat apple pieces in lemon juice.
Mix all ingredients together until well mixed.
Refrigerate for at least an hour and serve with cinnamon pita chips.
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May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Brunch

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Rob and I are extremely lucky to live in the same town for 18 more days as both of our parents.  We love being able to spend so much time with our families and I don't know how I am going to survive in Pensacola without our weekly Sunday dinners.  We knew we wanted to make the most of our time and celebrate mother's day just hanging out with our moms so we decided to throw a brunch for them at our place.  My mom is definitely the entertainer/cook/hostess so it was weird having the roles reversed!
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First (and maybe most important!) on the menu was a "Mom-osa Bar" complete with champagne, pomegranate and orange mango juices.  We also served breakfast bruschetta, cheddar sausage balls, fruit salsa with cinnamon chips, breakfast kabobs, and raspberry jello pie.  Everything was delicious and easy to make/prep ahead to save time in the morning.
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Like mother, like son.  I couldn't stop giggling at these pictures of Rob and his mom finishing off the champagne, straight from the bottle!
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After brunch, we drove up to DC with our families and walked around the Eastern Market.  My mom has never been and I knew she would love it.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous and it was the perfect day to explore.  I'm truly going to miss DC days like this.
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May 10, 2013

G E T A W A Y :: Clemson

Rob was scheduled to be in the field for the last eight days at "the war" (the big culminating event of TBS) so I knew this was the perfect time to take a few days off and get away for a long weekend.  Let's face it, I need to keep myself busy when Rob is gone or else I will go crazy!  The timing could not have been better since I definitely needed some time away from my ever growing to-do lists for this move.
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I planned a trip to South Carolina to visit my friend Danielle who is in grad school at Clemson. Although it rained the entire time I was in town, it was so nice to just relax!!  Straight from the airport, Danielle took me to The Smoking Pig for some barbecue and the best sweet potato crumble I have ever eaten.  Supposedly this place is a Clemson must try and I could definitely see why.  It is only open on the weekends and usually has a long line but is totally worth it for some delicious southern classics.  

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We went and saw the stadium (as a Hokie, I didn't care for this part!) and then went to her friends house on the lake to catch up over a bottle of bubbly.  Afterwards, we went out for a night on the town, Clemson-style.  I was so interested to see what their bar scene was like and how it compared to the ones I was used to!  The bars are much bigger than I expected and a lot more dancing then I was used to.  They also play the Clemson fight song every night and the entire bar cheers along (again, yuck!)  I definitely miss college bar prices but the people there seemed really young!!!
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My favorite part of the entire trip was on Saturday when we went to Palmetto Moonshine, SC's first legal moonshine distillery.  We took a tour of the distillery and even did a tasting!  This was my first time ever trying moonshine and I was a little nervous.  We tried the regular, peach, blackberry, and apple pie.  While I don't think it will be my new go-to choice, I kind of loved the whole idea of it!  I was bummed when I remembered TSA was not going to let me bring any home for Rob to try!
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Sunday Funday just happened to also fall on Cinco de Mayo so margaritas, chips and salsa, and sharpie mustaches were a must.
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This was the perfect little getaway and I am lucky to have such wonderful friends in all sorts of beautiful places. 21 days until we offically leave for little time, so much to do!!

May 1, 2013

MOS Selection

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This is a favorite quote of mine and perfect for our lifestyle.  To me, it means making the most of all situations and finding the beauty in all places.  For the last two years, this meant making the most of being assigned to a place that just so happens to also be our hometown.  This meant teaching at the high school I went to, eating dinner with my parents every Sunday, and shopping at our same local Target.  In other words, it was absolutely amazing....and completely predictable.  However, in the last year, Rob and I really made an effort to see parts of our town that we had never experienced before.  We tried restaurants out of our comfort zone, searched for new sites to see, and checked out familiar places with new friends and new perspectives.  I think this is a huge reason why the last year here was our favorite (Even more than when we were in high school here and just started dating!)  Sure, it is easy to thrive in a place like New York City or LA, but don't underestimate your ability to fall in love with somewhere less exciting if you are willing to make the most of it.
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With only 28 days left before Rob graduates from TBS, we knew that it was only a matter of time before we found out the location of our next adventure.  A couple of weeks ago, there was a huge MOS (read: job in the military) reveal party at a local bar.  Rob's SPC invited all of the wives to be a part of it and made the day really fun.  He put the guys on teams and gave them challenges to compete against each other, anything from USMC trivia to best tango, in order to decide which teams got to hear their MOS first.  Days like this remind me how blessed I am to be a part of this wonderful experience and I am so glad we were able to celebrate this exciting time with our closest friends.
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So let's get to it right... What did Rob get for his MOS?!? Where are we headed?!?!

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Well, it wasn't quite that easy. See Rob didn't find out his MOS that day with everyone else. Rob had put his name in to compete for a flight contract and he still had one test left to go to find out if he was qualified. So while we got to celebrate with everyone else, we still had a little bit of waiting left to do. I absolutely love this clip of his SPC talking about the situation when Rob got called up there to find out his MOS.

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BUT as of yesterday at lunch time, it is finally official!!! 
 We are moving to Pensacola, Florida because my husband is going to be a PILOT!!!!!!!!!
This is such a huge deal and we are SO excited!!! Rob has worked so hard at TBS and I am so proud of him.  He really does deserve this!  So after crying happy tears, I immediately ran out and bought him a new pair of aviators, popped some bubbly, and blasted the Top Gun soundtrack!  We are definitely on cloud 9 over here :)  Oh yeah, did I mention that we are moving in 30 days?!!?!
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