July 6, 2015


Don't you wish that everyone had the same amount of patriotism, pride, and spirit every weekend that they do on 4th of July?!  This weekend will definitely go down as one of my favorites and we didn't even leave our street!
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After seeing a couple slip and slide + flip cup videos on Facebook, I told Blair we had to make it happen...and what better weekend than a long holiday weekend!?  We made a plan, invited friends, and sent the boys to Philadelphia (MS) golfing that morning so that we could get everything ready.
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I think we are all a little bruised today but it turned out to be a ton of fun!  The rules were simple: two teams, relay race style.  Each person had to slip, slide, and flip before the next person could go.  I will say flip cup is much harder than expected when your hands are covered in soapy suds!  After we had our fix of slip and sliding, we brought out the fire pit and grilled out.  Although the forecast called for storms all day, the rain didn't start until the sun went down.  Luckily, we were able to just move the party across the street to Blair's carport/house.  And since we all live in the same neighborhood, we were able to just walk home at the end of the night and crash!   Perks of living on base :)

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Other highlights from the weekend: cooking my first low country boil and watching fireworks at Bonita Lakes!
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Hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. What an awesome weekend! :)

  2. Slip and slide!! What fun, it's been ages since I've done that...!


  3. This looks absolutely amazing! I'm coming next year!!! :)

  4. Love your slip and slide - that is so fun! And your LCB looks delicious!

  5. Ha! This is great. I literally just Gchatted my best friend to let her know about this slip and slide flip cup, it's perfect for her and sounds like tons o fun. Thanks for sharing!

    Shian | The Fashion Investigator


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