We are completely fascinated by our little backyard and love to eat outside, have bonfires, and take any excuse to spend time back there. While some people might not understand our love affair with our tiny slab of fenced in concrete, this is our first backyard and we love it! I knew this bar would be perfect for our space, and practical! It was a simple first pallet project and I'm really happy with how it turned out. I am definitely not a pro and will probably get all the technical names for things wrong but here is how we made our pallet bar!

2 Pallets
Sander + Sand paper
Paint, Stain, Primer in your desired colors
Zip Ties
1 Wooden Plank (Cut down to 50 x 12 x 2)
3 inch Wood Screws
1. Sand down both pallets until smooth. They don't have to be perfect but you don't want jagged edges or anything that will cut someone or give you a splinter.
2. Stain the pallets. I did the first coat in a super dark brown, waited 24 hours and then used a lighter brown as the second coat, going heavier on some planks than others to give it a varied, rustic look. Make sure to get all of the sides, edges, and insides as you can see a lot of the pallets.
3. Paint your top wood plank. (Our wood plank was finished so it didn't need to be sanded)
4. Ziptie your pallets together and choose the side you would like to be the "front". Ziptie the pallets to your fence/wall/whatever accordingly for extra support
5. Place the board on top and screw on to pallets. (We screwed it from the underneath to keep the surface completely in tact with no holes)