September 10, 2013

G E T A W A Y :: Casey's Wedding

My weekends recently have been carrying over into Tuesday but I am definitely not complaining!  This weekend, we traveled back to Virginia to celebrate Casey and Zach's wedding.  Casey is one of my best friends and was my roommate in the Tridelt house senior year!  The wedding was absolutely gorgeous, held at Bristow Manor - a historic home in Northern Virginia.  Zach and Casey are perfect for each other and I could not be happier for them!
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We sat at Table 15 {the kids table} and it definitely got a little rowdy at times.  Between playing "Never have I ever" and "Contact" to starting Tridelta chants when the bride came to the table, we had so much fun waiting for dinner.
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It was a blast to hang out with everyone, just like we were back in college.  Weddings are such a treat when your friends are spread out in different states and time zones!  Thank goodness the girls will be coming down to Florida to visit in just a few short weeks; I can't wait to hear about Casey's honeymoon to Turks and Caicos!
Linking up with Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Prettyyy! Looks like y'all had a great time!

  2. Looks like such a fun time! Turks & Caicos is amazing for a honeymoon!


  3. So glad yall had fun! Weddings are the best!


  4. What a gorgeous bride! I love remembering that you're a TriDelt too. :) That's awesome.

  5. Anonymous9/10/2013

    That wedding sounds like a blast! I love sorority sister weddin's!

  6. WOW you look gorgeous! I love your dress.

  7. that is such fun! being able to reunite with everyone like that. I've never heard of that place. I'm in Northern VA now. I love places like that. Thanks for sharing.
    glad to be a new follower :)

  8. i love going to a wedding where you know soo many people it is just that much more fun and you are right like a college reunion indeed good thing for weddings that happen a few years after graduation so you have a perfect reason to see each other!


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