June 25, 2012

Graduation Party Weekend in Pittsburgh

This weekend we headed to Pittsburgh for my cousin Nolan's graduation party.  Graduation parties are HUGE in Pittsburgh (he invited over 200 people!) so we were very excited to be able to attend.  The party was so much fun and I think Rob and I celebrated a little too much...it's been two days and I am still moving a little slow.  So excited for him to head off to Penn State in the fall!
My mom made the centerpieces on the Cricut...didn't they turn out so cute?!
Me with my mom and sister
The weather was gorgeous all weekend.  Perfect for an outdoor party!
These "Sanibel sunburns" they made were dangerously good.  I don't remember how much of each but it had Captain Morgan, Coconut Malibu, Creme de Banana, and pineapple juice.  It made for a fun night of singing, dancing, and hanging by the pool until 3am.  Such a fun first official weekend of summer!
Rob and I before a few too many "sanibel sunburns"!


  1. looks like so much fun! and I love your dress - you look beautiful!!

  2. Oh, I just love that coral dress!

  3. Hey lady!! I just found your cute blog via the hop and added myself to your followers! Also I’d love to have you check out a fabulous OSCAR DE LA RENTA giveaway I’m having right now!!

    Hope to see you there! And thanks so much!
    Xo, Emily


  4. looks like a fun weekend and i'm loving your dress!
    excited to be your newest follower :)

  5. congrats to your cousin!! and i love the dress you wore to his party. love the color on you

  6. Love your dress! And your mom's centerpieces :) So cute! And the Sanibel Sunburns sound right up my ally :)

    I nominated you for an award! Check it out :)



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