January 18, 2017

Holiday Travels to Pittsburgh and Austin

A little late for a holiday recap but with so much traveling, I feel like I just got my suitcases unpacked ;)  We spent Christmas this year in Pittsburgh with my family which was wonderful!  We got to see their new house, my brother and his fiancee flew in from Arizona, and it was the first time we all woke up together on Christmas morning since before I got married.
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We had dinner on Christmas Eve at Stations Square and my parents surprised us with Christmas Day tickets to the Steelers game.  We did a traditional Christmas morning before decking ourselves in black and yellow and meeting up with the rest of our extended family to tailgate before the game.  We had blast and the fact that the Steelers won at the very end made the day even better!  
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christmas steelers tailgate
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We spent New Years in Austin, Texas with Rob's sister Erin and her boyfriend.  Austin was on my travel bucket list and worked out perfectly as a midway point between San Diego and South Carolina to meet up.  We ate our weight in breakfast tacos, rang in the New Year on 6th Street, and fell in love with the city.  
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torchys tacos austin tx
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all inclusive new years eve austin texas
all inclusive new years eve austin texas
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