March 25, 2013

Delta Delta Delta 40th Reunion in Blacksburg

This weekend really felt like a dream.  I headed back to Blacksburg with all of my best friends for the Tridelta 40th Reunion.  It seemed like we had never left and it was perfect to all be back together in our favorite town.  I swear I fell in love with Virginia Tech all over again this weekend and feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful organization.
sharkey's happy hour
I took off work on Friday and drove down with Molly. When we got into town, we checked into the Main Street Inn and then headed straight to Sharkey's for happy hour. Sharkey's was always our favorite place to get "two dollar doubles" and cheap pitchers.
TOTS blacksburg virginia
After a few drinks at Sharkey's, we walked across the street to TOTS for the reunion registration. This was awesome because we got to see everyone who was back in town for the weekend.
cabo fish taco blacksburg
Of course a trip to Blacksburg would not be complete without soy ginger shrimp tacos and a workman's margarita from Cabo Fish Taco, so we met up with a few more of our closest friends and headed there for dinner before going back to TOTS for the night.
ABP virginia tech
Saturday morning was spent the exact same way as so many hungover college Saturday mornings--at ABP.  ABP is the place to be after a night out on the town and it was funny how many alumni had the exact same plan! (I do miss it being included on my meal plan!!)
virginia tech delta delta delta
tridelta at pylons
War Memorial Chapel
The five of us headed to War Memorial Chapel for a few pictures with the hokie bird and the deltas. From there, we did a little shopping and then got mimosas and bloodys at Boudreaux's.
40th tridelta reunion
Saturday night was filled with singing, dancing and way too many laughs at the reunion dinner at the Inn at Virginia Tech.  Let's just say the older alumni truly still know how to have a good time.  We closed down the Inn and then headed back to TOTS for our last night of rails (Can you guess what our favorite bar in Blacksburg is?!)
Reunion at the Inn at Virginia Tech
I had such an amazing time and could not have asked for a better weekend and am so lucky to call these girls my best friends and sisters. I can only imagine what the 45th reunion will be like! ;)

March 17, 2013

My Wedding in Virginia Bride Magazine

I'll be honest, I totally had trouble adjusting to post-wedding days.  I missed planning and buying wedding magazines and editing my wedding website.  The wedding was all I thought about for 13 months so it was weird when it was over.  Just when I thought I couldn't come up with any more excuses to buy wedding magazines... my wedding is featured in Virginia Bride Magazine!
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The magazine hitting shelves gave me an excuse to reminisce about wedding details all over again.  Below is a little video with some pictures of details from our wedding.  It's fun to look back at all of our favorite moments.  I'm sure everyone feels like this but I feel so lucky that everything in my wedding came out exactly as I pictured.  It truly was the most magical day of my life.

Am I the only one who thinks their wedding will never get old?  Or misses all the wedding planning and excitement?

March 8, 2013

Generations Cookbook

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The most special gift I received for my wedding was a handwritten cookbook from my mom.  She had been working on it for almost a year and I had no idea!  This cookbook contained all of my favorite recipes that my mom makes along with tips, stories, and sweet memories related to those recipes.  The second I opened it I started crying.  I couldn't believe that she had been thoughtful enough to take all of those precious memories that were made around the dinner table and pass along that tradition as I started my own family.  What a treasure this book will be when years from now I can add recipes and pass it on to my own daughter.  I love opening the book and finding a recipe to make for my husband that I remember my mom making for us year after year with so much love.  I love reading her stories about the first time she made a recipe that became a staple and thinking about her just starting out in a new marriage and how she has grown since then.  I love realizing how food and family and tradition and love all intertwine and how such special memories can be made on a random Tuesday night eating a casserole.
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This is me a minute before opening the gift (You can see the cookbook in the front of the basket!) and after I start ugly crying haha Terrible picture but you can see how much this meant to me.

Do you have any memories attached to favorite recipes?

March 7, 2013

Saturn Snow Day

Happy Snow Day to all of you enjoying this wonderful weather from "Saturn"!!!
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Since the schools, the base, and all government was closed yesterday, we had people over and spent the entire day celebrating.  Our casual get-together quickly escalated from drinking spiked hot chocolates and chatting to a several rounds of "up the river, down the river" and an 80's power hour/dance party.  I thought it was the perfect day and am so happy we have made such great friends since Rob has been at TBS.  They are truly a blessing!
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The guys had to go back to work today but my school is still closed, so here's to another snow day...this time filled with reading, lounging, and catching up on my favorite reality TV shows ;)

March 4, 2013

Mock Ranch Mashed Potatoes

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Mock Ranch Mashed Potatoes
1 Bag Frozen Cauliflower
1/4 Cup Ranch Dressing
1/8 Cup Milk
1 T Butter
Pinch of Salt
Cook cauliflower until well done and drain.
Blend all ingredients together in food processor in creamy.
Serve hot.

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