January 31, 2013

G E T A W A Y :: Anniversary Weekend at Stevenson Ridge

Since Rob is in the field this week for FEX1 and I am missing him terribly, it is the perfect time to post pictures from our first anniversary last week!  I cannot believe we have been married for a year already!  I could go on and on about how wonderful the last year has been but I will resist and just post pics from our anniversary ;)

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We celebrated our anniversary with a weekend getaway at the gorgeous Stevenson Ridge.  The property has seven historic homes that have been restored and are simply amazing.  We stayed in the log cabin and just fell in love.  Rob built a fire and we spent most of the night drinking wine by the fire and reminiscing about the last year.  It's pretty hard to beat being curled up by the fireplace in a log cabin in January!
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The next morning we had brunch at Foode (our favorite!!) Chicken and waffles, biscuits with blueberry honey butter, and peach bellinis served in mason jars...can't beat it! After walking around downtown for a little bit, we went on the trolley tour of Fredericksburg. Even though it wasn't the white trolley, it was really fun to spend time on the Fredericksburg trolley exactly a year after having them for our wedding. Plus the tour was actually really interesting--I can't believe how many major historical events happened right where we are currently living.
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On our actual anniversary, we had lunch with both of our parents in the tun tavern at the museum and ate the top layer of our cake.  I don't know what people are talking about...our cake was still DELICIOUS!! It was really special to be able to go back exactly one year later and celebrate (all over again!) with our family.
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January 30, 2013

Catching up with instagram

Instead of apologizing for my lack of posts or promising to be better about posting, I am just going to dump a bunch of instagram pics from the last few crazy months.  Between making new friends and keeping in touch with old friends, living it up and staying grounded with family the last few months have been wonderful!  Even though I am going to try, I am much better at consistently updating my instagram (ReddyOrKnot)!

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Birthday trip to The Greenbrier::Marine Corps Ball::The Legwarmers::The Legwarmers::
State football game::Rob starts TBS::Wine tasting with Erin::Snow in Alexandria::
Christmas Cards::Decorating the tree::Christmas Morning::New Year's Eve in Richmond::
New friends::Wine tasting::Wine nights::Anniversary get-away::

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