Weird Pensacola

While there are many things about Pensacola that we loved and will miss, there are also a couple of....strange things that make you wonder what the heck is going on!

The Gold House on Scenic
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I am all about gold but this house on Scenic Highway takes it to a whole new level.  What is this place?!?!  I need to know more.  And I wanted to be invited over for a dinner party!!!

UFO House
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The UFO shaped house on Pensacola Beach.  Notice the creepy alien in the window!

Street Preachers
Image and video hosting by TinyPicStreet preachers can be found on almost every corner, especially on the weekends and holidays.  They are constantly chanting their religious phrases, pumping their signs in the air, and passing out pamphlets.  At first glance, they look like they are some cult religion but when you listen to what they are saying they seem to be sharing a Christian message.  Not quite sure the deal with all that.  The craziest part is over 30 of them marched in the Christmas parade downtown, signs and all!!

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Pensacola has some of the craziest billboards I have ever seen.  Everything from "big girls need love too" referring to large breed friendly apartment complexes to "skip the bread tonight" health campaigns.  Of course the lovely one above really tops them all though.

The "Floating" Man
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This one really seals the deal on bizarre. I first heard about the floating man after the bad flooding in Pensacola. This video was everywhere and I was talking about it with my students when we came back to school.  They told me that the guy riding the giant bicycle also "floats" near a billboard by the mall.  I had NO idea what they were talking about and forgot about the whole thing... UNTIL we were picking up my car from a repair shop on a random road we don't go down often.  I was looking out of the window and something caught my eye in the side mirror and I just started screaming. I saw the guy floating over the main road and it scared me to death!! I made Rob turn around and drive past again and again!  Supposedly, he is out there floating all the time.  Even though I know he is not really floating and that there is a chair or something, the whole thing still seems pretty dangerous!

Pensacola people, what other bizarre things am I forgetting?!


  1. Hahaha. The UFO house is pretty great.

  2. this post is amazing. the ufo house- hahaha! and that gold house! if you find out what that is let me know!!

  3. Hahaha, this post is highly amusing!

  4. I recently moved back to Pcola after being gone for 10yrs. I was born and raised here. From what Ive read about the house on scenic, it belongs to a Dr from Iran who owns assisted nursing facilities. Every time Ive gone by there, Ive been tempted to go ask the owner can I take a Im not sure if we're considered part of the "bible belt" which is why you see a lot of street preachers. We do have a lot of churches here as well as the Christian college. For this to be such a small town, you see a lot of stuff that makes you go - what the what?!? LOL!!


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